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Fruit to Start the Day

Because of my occupation, Iā€™m often invited to various types of conferences. Many times, these meetings begin in the early morning hours. Thankfully, most of the organizations that sponsor these conferences provide the invitees with a continental breakfast. However, at many events, the selection of foods only includes an assortment of donuts and bagels. Because I like to eat healthy, I wish more people would offer fruit for breakfast at these conferences. If you plan the breakfast menu for corporate conferences, consider adding different types of fruit to your standard bread and pastry offerings. On this blog, you will discover the best types of fruit to offer for breakfast at corporate conferences.

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Fruit to Start the Day


Three Reasons to Hire an Event Catering Service When Planning an Event

Whether you are hosting a party, a memorial service, or a wedding, one of the main factors that you need to consider is what and how your guests will eat and drink during such events. Ideally, you could handle the catering on your own. However, considering the amount of work that goes into putting an event together, you may not be adequately staffed or have sufficient time to handle the catering as well.

Fish Sandwiches That Are Easy To Pre-Make For Your Pickup Case

When you own a sandwich shop, it is really convenient to have pre-made sandwiches ready in a case for customers to grab. This keeps your sandwich makers from being overloaded during the busy hours, and it also allows your customers to get in and out of the shop a lot faster. However, it's harder to pre-make seafood sandwiches than it is to pre-make sandwiches with cold cuts. Seafood can be delicate, and it is also sensitive to changes in temperature.